Thursday, November 20, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination

Am I a Proactive or a Procrastinator? I believe that I am both types of people but mostly Proactive because if I come across a difficult situation, I plan it out, I plot every route and road to go down and then I find the smartest way to go down that road. I believe that I'm less a Procrastinator because only in times of really needing help, I postpone whats ever Im doing a stop my self from possibly messing up even more than I already have.

I can pretty much see what I am going to do with a particular amount of time and what my rate of productivity is, for example, making a poster on recycling would take about 2.5 to 3 days.  If I could do that with 3 days of free time and no distraction, I'd get it done in about 1.5 days which is a big affect of productivity.

Now, about my work habits, I would change any distractions and I'd find a place that is quiet,  and calm to work better, faster, and harder. Some of my other habits would be playing games so in the future I would separate my phone and I pod from myself. I also have a habit of reading something then getting distracted and restarted even though I've done so much.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

My Visual Poem

FuR VisualPoem from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

My Visual Poem is about the Ocean Life and what its like if you live that life everyday, and these clips of the ocean can pretty much represent the cause of action. Some of these clips mostly have waves washing in , from my point of view, those waves seem to be trying to pull me into this type of life, they've gladly succeeded.

My Visual Poems' special effects affected the whole meaning because most of my affects have a "open up" or a "look into" feeling in them. In that case it perfectly fits this projects main idea because the whole purpose is to look into the ocean and see what kind of life lies beneath it.
I feel that my Visual Poem could have been improved by better footage and less camera movement. I should've started earlier on this assignment and should've put more thought into it.