Thursday, November 20, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination

Am I a Proactive or a Procrastinator? I believe that I am both types of people but mostly Proactive because if I come across a difficult situation, I plan it out, I plot every route and road to go down and then I find the smartest way to go down that road. I believe that I'm less a Procrastinator because only in times of really needing help, I postpone whats ever Im doing a stop my self from possibly messing up even more than I already have.

I can pretty much see what I am going to do with a particular amount of time and what my rate of productivity is, for example, making a poster on recycling would take about 2.5 to 3 days.  If I could do that with 3 days of free time and no distraction, I'd get it done in about 1.5 days which is a big affect of productivity.

Now, about my work habits, I would change any distractions and I'd find a place that is quiet,  and calm to work better, faster, and harder. Some of my other habits would be playing games so in the future I would separate my phone and I pod from myself. I also have a habit of reading something then getting distracted and restarted even though I've done so much.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of procrastination, have you finished your blog post for 7th period? I'm entering grades for 2nd quarter... Make sure to publish your work so I can view it :-)
