My Hiki No group, Seth Kostelecky, Lilio Masi, Leleaka Anakalea and Noa Harrison are doing a news story , a story that effects everyone, on the 2014 Hurricane Season. So we plan to get at least 3 interviews and some B-Roll sequences to complete and make a quality final cut. Our progress report is that we got about one third of our project done, the interviews, all we need now is our B-Rolls, Voice Overs, and our Final Cut.
Usually when the camera is rolling, we'd try our best to get the best Rule of Thirds Shot, the best Audio, and we'd try our best to keep the camera as still and level as possible. But, When the camera's aren't rolling, we would do some rehearsals, planning, audio testing, setting up the tri-pod and the, finding good areas for B-Roll, editing videos, and cooperate as a team to schedule to check out cameras.

We all have our ups and downs, we have agreements and disagreements, But when we come to a disagreement we all argue at first then the agreeing parts comes into play. When we all come to an agreement we all have great ideas so as a team, we'd plan out how we will accomplish those ideas and we execute those particular plans.